
The Global Strategy is simply to build a network of apostolic leaders working together to plant churches. There are twelve zones, each with an apostolic leader who is mentoring and partnering with a team of leaders they have formed. Each team leader simply helps his team to each form a team. Each leader is developing and partnering with his group of church planters to reach into the unreached areas of the world. The goal is to multiply and train leadership until every Unreached People Group of the world has a church planted among them The secret is to stay focused on your church planting team and help them be fruitful as you work together with them, strategizing for the harvest. Our method to reach the objective of planting churches is to train leaders worldwide through teams, then work strategically with our leaders to send trained church planters to launch new churches.
The Global Project strategy is based on Biblical truths and strategies and follows the example of how Jesus discipled his twelve and sent them out.
Primary Focus:
- Building multi-denominational teams for church planting
- Training leaders in conferences for developing their strategy for winning souls and discipling new believers
- Facilitating leaders with research material to understand where the unreached groups are and what needs to be done to reach them
- Developing model churches to train others in local and foreign outreach
- Church Planting Schools for pastors and leaders
- Retreats for pastors and wives
- Connecting individuals and pastors to opportunities in missions
The Global Project has a low overhead that enables us to be mobile and efficient in our church planting efforts.
Financial participation is welcome!